Do women want to wear the pants in a relationship?

Do women want to wear the pants in a relationship?
Interesting question is it not. I would like to see what you guys think on this matter.
Should she wear the pants if there is a male present?
Why is she concerned that she must take on the role of a man?

First lets check out this video. I noticed that despite the men asking questions to the ladies on the panel they were very aggressive and dismissive to the men, despite what the men had to say.

It is apparent that these women on the panel will never solve the answer to the question of the show because they don’t want to hear the answer from a man. Generally speaking, the woman has a deep psychological hate or disrespect for men whatever that reason may be. I believe that there are many women who, justifiably so, have a chip on their shoulder towards men.

So lets ask some questions. Does she feel the need to wear the pants because men may have been absent in her childhood or adulthood? Does she feel the need to wear the pants because her man is not earning what she deems a respectable income? Has the man become obsolete and therefore does not deserve the title of leader? Does she wear the pants because she has no other choice? These questions need to be addressed and hopefully along with your help we can resolve some of these issues.

Having asked all these questions I would like to part you all with this.  There is no doubt that woman and man are dual forces meant to coexist to create balance. Without that balance you have chaos.  That chaos is a result of the convolution of our roles enforced by our society that forces our women to become the bread winners and providers for our families. We can agree that by nature women want protection and provision from their male counterparts. However, that role by men, has been arguably absent for a couple of decades. So there is some validation for the anti-male behavior. In order for us to be in balance in relationships, women and men must decide and define what role each is to play if indeed we want a successful relationship. Leave a comment let your voice be heard!

-Daddy Soul Poll

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Reuniting the people of "Soul" through honest dialogue to cultivate, Peace, Unity, Love, and having Fun in our relationships.
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5 Responses to Do women want to wear the pants in a relationship?

  1. Women must recognize that the media and this colonial society has defined your concepts of reality which forces you to dream and ignore true reality. And like a child that finds out that Santa does not exist, there is resentment, anger, and disappointment towards the parents. So the “princess” (woman) has the same feelings towards the so called “prince” (men) in your lives, once there is a realization that there is no fairytale ending. Women must for once take responsibility and drop the immature concepts of love and happiness propagated by Walt Disney and bury them. Reclaim your “womanhood” and develop your own concepts of love and happiness.

  2. bizylifestyles says:

    I don’t think most women want to wear the pants. I certainly don’t. There is something so attractive in a man who knows how to take the lead. Unfortunately, you have such a crop of mommy boys who want to have their hands held, spend your money and have their cake and eat it too. The bible clearly says the man is the head of the women. And there is nothing wrong with that. It is a beautiful arrangement from God. Just because the man is the head doesn’t diminish a women but it honors her. It is not because she is inferior. But when you have a family you need an to have an arrangement. If everyone wants to be the boss you have disorder, discord, disrespect, and one or the other might even disappear. The problems is a lot men don’t know how to be a man or to treat women and/or take responsibilities seriously. Many men have been raised by women and don’t know how to be a man. It is very hard to be a women who has dreams, goals and inspirations for themselves and their children and then you have a man who is indecisive, disconnected, drags their feet and/or is selfish/self-absorbed. As a women you feel as if you can’t just sit around and wait for a man to step up and take action when you and children’s life are lying in the balance. U have to take action for the welfare of your family. It is the man who puts the women in this situation really. If each person takes responsibility and takes their responsibility seriously there would be many happy men, women, children and families.

  3. Jon says:

    I think the blame game only reinforces the lack of needs being met on either side. Men seek respect from their woman, and women seek love from their man. Both are requisite and equally important for a functional relationship. Things turn dysfunctional the moment needs are not being fulfilled on either side. So a woman may go from man to man seeking the love she so desperately desires without realizing that the men she seeks has never been taught how to love a woman, nor does she feel she should have to tell a man how she wants to be loved. In turn she says “there are no good men out there” and become hostile and bitter over time saying “she doesn’t need a man”. All the while, the man is not receiving the respect he needs to function in a relationship because perhaps the woman in his life has never had a male model in her life to show her. And perhaps when he tells her how to respect him she has been conditioned by society and “mother” that women no longer live in an age when a woman must respect or that submission is the old school way to live and is not relevant. So the vicious cycle continues.

    • kojakkz says:

      Well spoken. I hope we can learn from that comment and take into consideration
      how we have been influenced by our society through propaganda and selfishness, to ultimately leave our families in chaos. We too often let our pride get the best of us, specifically, those who suffer from post traumatic slavery syndrome. We feel the need to be domineering and tyrannical because we truly have no control of our lives so we take it out on the ones closest to us.
      The art of positioning and probing to get the answers of what one another expects and wants out of their union will go a long way. PEACE.

  4. bizylifestyles says:

    U make a lot of good points Jon.

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