Why you still think about your ex pt.2

Because of the feedback I received about the last article I decided to make a part two and thanks to a colleague I came across information somewhat validating the concepts mentioned in the article of                   “Why you still think about our ex”            thanx Jas’.

So we will discuss, briefly about that article.  In the last article, I mentioned that DNA from semen or the vaginal excretions that are ingested or absorbed in the body may lead to a genetic stamping or imprinting of the “excreter” into the “excretee” ( if there is such a phrase) thereby leaving the former lovers mental presence” upon the mind and not in the sense of just memories, but in terms of how one thinks,and behaves. An example would be how one may unwittingly ruin new potential relationships because of fear of being hurt.     It may just well be your former lover  is causing you to ruin those new relationships, because the genetic presence of that former lover is rejecting any foreign entity.                Now, there is information that corroborates this theory. However, it may not be solely D.N.A but, actually “hormones”. Hormones  may be the culprit of why you still think about your ex. Some of these hormones are called oxytocin, vasopressin dopamine, pheromones,serotonin, norepinephrine.  To save time we will concentrate on oxytocin.

Oxytocin, the so called “love potion hormone”, is a hormone made in the hypothalamus gland in the brain. It is stored and released by the pituitary gland in the brain. Oxytonin cells can be found in the spinal chord as well as the brain. Interesting that this coincides to what I mentioned in the last article, that the mental constitution of the male is embedded in the semen, which (semen) is derived from the spinal fluid, this hormone may be the carrier of the males mental disposition as well. Oxytocin is said to be released during kissing, hugging, skin to skin contact and sexual stimulation. Oxytocin is said to be involved with creating feelings of trust, empathy, generosity, bonding, sexual arousal, and orgasm among other things.

Oxytocin is also why you still think about your ex.associated with the influence of monogamy and social bonding. It seems clear that there may be some validity in the notion that there is a biochemical reason for your love of another. It is more than just your heart. But going further, it is suggested that increased plasma levels of oxytocin is related to intense romantic attachment.  This may be why it is difficult for some of us to let go of an ex-lover or why they may still enter our thoughts when we actually don’t wish to think about them. In this case, during copulation we may have actually secreted and exchanged large amounts of oxytocin during our time with said ex. With such large amounts of hormones released into the blood stream, in my opinion, it is safe to suggest that this hormone also may carry the genetic code or mental disposition of the former lover. Causing some of us to go through traumatic withdrawal and heartache after a breakup. Thereby keeping you (potentially) from moving on successfully in to new relationships and life satisfaction.

So why are we talking about this?  Simply put, our mission in life is to get better everyday and if we can have love incorporated in that mission,     then our mission will make everyday better. The motto of SoulPolls is to “Reunite the people of Soul through honest dialogue, to cultivate peace, unity, love, and having fun”.  By understanding our selves a little more, whether it be meta-physically, physically, outwardly, internally and perhaps spiritually, the knowledge and wisdom we gain about ourselves can lead to us to allow true love to enter in our lives again to achieve peace, unity, and having fun.

Leave a comment.  Let your voice be heard. Let’s get it in.                                                           I’m sure your insight will lead us to the light..

– Daddy Soul

About soulpolls

Reuniting the people of "Soul" through honest dialogue to cultivate, Peace, Unity, Love, and having Fun in our relationships.
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